By RiehnA new paper by Ming Liu, advised by Drs. Riehn and Wang, has appeared in Epigenetics and Chromatin. Titled DNA looping by two 5-methylcytosine-binding proteins... |NC State
By RiehnCongratulations to Dr. Saroj Dangi for defending his dissertation Nanoplumbing for a Single Molecule Study of DNA prepared under the direction of Dr. Riehn. |NC State
By RiehnDr. Movahed published a paper that reports the first observation of confinement-induced diffusophoresis of DNA in a new article in Nanotechnology. |NC State
By RiehnCongratulations to Scott Lindauer who defended his PhD thesis titled “Flow-Stabilized Solids: From Colloids to Bacteria”. The dissertation was co-advised by Dr. Daniels. |NC State
By RiehnGraduate Student Saroj Dangi presented his talk “Fast combinatorial nanofluidic device for the dynamic study of biomolecular interactions” at the March meeting of the American...